You are not your pain, fear, anger, or sadness... uncover the you that was never wounded.

In a very short amount of time, this work has changed my life. I felt beyond desperate, and searching, before a friend showed me a video by Pat Jackman on You Tube, in the summer of 2016. Within a month, I had enrolled in a 5 day workshop. During my first table session, I cried so hard I thought I, quite literally, had broken something in my eyeball (hover over my photo for proof - and my very first, of many, 'ERT face' selfies). But almost immediately afterwards, I felt a levity and returning like I'd never experienced before. Within 5 days, my chronic low back pain was gone. I was hooked and I felt like a different person – the same, but better. Others noticed too – had I lost weight? Cut my hair? They couldn't place it, but they noticed it – right away. I joined Pat's school, initially not as a means to learn the work, but to continue to receive it. Over time, my needs shifted and as I was freed from my desperation. It became important to me to offer freedom to others as well. I believe that if you have the means, you have the responsibility. It is an absolute privilege to (quickly) help other people also experience the liberation that I have found through this work. ​
"Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light."
- Brené Brown
The next opportunity for learning this work begins May 15-18, 2025, in Portland, OR.
Students participate in and commit to 5 x 4–day modules, held approximately every 6–8 weeks.
Limited to 8 participants.
An $800 deposit is required to hold your spot.
The non-refundable deposit is held and used towards the balance of your final (fifth) module.
Each module is $1600, food/accommodation is available for $400/module.
Prior participation in a 4 day workshop is encouraged.